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Harlen Tyrell, King Mern's steward, surrendered Hightower to King Aegon and was rewarded with the title of Lord Paramount of the Reach and Warden of the South. Mace Tyrell's youngest child and only daughter, Margaery is introduced as being married to Renly Baratheon to cement their families' alliance. Margaery is beautiful, charming, and would admittedly make a very good queen - something she and her family is very aware of. His daughter, Margaery Tyrell, is the widow of King Renly Baratheon, would-be wife of King Joffrey Baratheon and betrothed to Tommen Baratheon.
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House Tyrell is the second wealthiest house in the Seven Kingdoms. Margary and Tommen Baratheon marry at a small ceremony in the Red Keep. With his daughter’s wedding, Mace Tyrell leaves King’s Landing.
Lord Harlen Tyrell, the Warden of the South
However, Petyr learns of the plot and tells Tywin, who weds Sansa to his son Tyrion. When Ned Stark learns of Cersei’s adultery, he confronts her, and she arranges her husband’s death. Loras flees King’s Landing with Renly, and when Ned tries to seize the throne, he gets betrayed by Lord Petyr Baelish. The Starks get killed, and Eddard gets beheaded in the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor. During the Dance of the Dragons, The Tyrells did not support the Blacks of Princess Rhaenyra or the Greens of Alicent Hightower.
Mace's Family
He was made master of ships on the small council of King Joffrey I. He was charged with the capture of Storm’s End, but the siege was interrupted by news that Margaery had been imprisoned. He abandoned his charge and is currently marching his army on the city of King's Landing. Mace has always dreamed of his daughter being a Queen, thus when Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell presented the plan to crown Renly and have him wed Margaery Tyrell, they had his full support. However, King Renly’s rule did not last long enough for him to consummate the marriage as he was slain at Storm's End. When word of this reached Mace, he marched some ten thousand men to Bitterbridge to plan his next move with his sons. They were joined by Petyr Baelish with an offer from King Joffrey Baratheon.
Following Renly's death, House Tyrell aligned itself with House Lannister. With the alliance, House Tyrell sends food to King’s Landing to alleviate the city’s problems; this makes Margaery extremely popular and loved. When she arrives in King’s Landing, the people cheer for her. Later, her grandmother, Lady Olenna Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns, invites Sansa for a meal and questions her about Joffrey. Sansa tells her the truth, and Olenna tells her of her plan to give her to Willas Tyrell.
A Song of Ice and Fire - House Tyrell
Margaery was first married to King Renly Baratheon, as a pledge of loyalty from the Tyrell family at the start of the War of the Five Kings. When he was killed, the Tyrells allied with the Lannisters, wedding Margaery to King Joffrey. After Joffrey was poisoned at their wedding feast, Margaery was wed yet again, this time to Joffrey's younger brother Tommen, a little boy who was then crowned king. In the months after their marriage, Cersei Lannister schemed to dispose of Margaery and the Tyrells, taking advantage of Margaery's claim to still be a maid despite her marriage to Renly. This claim may or may not be true; Margaery's maidenhead was confirmed to have been ruptured by a Septa who inspected her, but Cersei noted that highborn girls often have their maidenheads broken by horseback-riding. After the Battle of the Blackwater, the great lords meet to divide up the spoils of war.
Lady Alerie Tyrell (nee Hightower)
Margaery and Tommen grow close, and she tells him how a King acts, infuriating Cersei. The new Queen continues growing in popularity among the smallfolk. Only daughter of Mace Tyrell, Margaery is an intelligent and shrewd young woman, very much the protégé of her cunning grandmother, Olenna Tyrell. She is described as very beautiful, with softly curling light brown hair, brown eyes and a slender yet shapely figure. After Renly's assassination, Loras became enraged with grief and tried to kill Brienne of Tarth and Catelyn Stark, whom he believed guilty of Renly's murder.
Margaery Tyrell

He is described as slender and handsome and is beloved by the crowds. Early on in the story, during a tourney he handed a red rose to Sansa Stark, who, like countless other Westerosi girls, became infatuated with him. However, the novels imply that he actually had a sexual relationship with Renly Baratheon. When Renly proclaimed himself king, Loras and the rest of House Tyrell backed him and married Loras' sister Margaery to Renly. Renly made Loras the head of his personal guard and the two remained inseparable even after Renly's wedding. House Tyrell was founded by Alester Tyrell, an Andal knight, during the coming of the Andals.
This can be an assumption that House Tyrell is more reliant and dependent on their more marital vassals like the Tarly’s and other houses to fight their battles. Throughout history, House Tyrell has played by the strategy of following the sure path, siding with whoever is most likely to win in any conflict. During Aegon's Conquest, they surrendered Highgarden to the invading forces of Aegon the Conqueror, and in return the Tyrells were elevated as the new Lords Paramount of the Reach.
After getting Sansa to speak about Joffrey's cruelty and the beatings he gave her, Olenna suggested taking Sansa away to Highgarden and marrying her to Willas. She also played a role in the poisoning of Joffrey at his wedding, working with Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish, but the details remain unclear in the story. The territories of the Reach are vast and the population numerous. For administrative and historical purposes, several powerful houses are instead sworn to House Hightower of Oldtown, rather than to Highgarden directly.
His dramatic taunting of Jon made for excellent theater, but I took it as an even better sign for what’s to come. It suggested that whoever Frosty turns out to be, he’s got a lot more personality than the chilly stiff I was afraid of. This is a guy who waited until the moment of rescue to attack, spent the bulk of the battle pacing the sideline with Belichickian disdain, and then, when the day was his, gazed upon the losers and basically gave them one of these. We don’t even know the dude’s name, but he’s already the biggest and best villain in a show lousy with them. Ramsay is a monster, sure, but Edgar is a force of fucking nature. Megga is the third child and only daughter of Ser Olymer Tyrell, son of Mace's distant cousin, Ser Quentin, and Lysa Meadows and cousin to the main line of the House.
The Tyrells Are the Worst Major House in 'Game of Thrones' - Collider
The Tyrells Are the Worst Major House in 'Game of Thrones'.
Posted: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]
He does, however, have high political aspirations for his family and tries to work to better their position. Mace Tyrell is the head of House Tyrell and Lord of Highgarden. He appears in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series and is played by Roger Ashton-Griffiths on the HBO show "Game of Thrones." Mace Tyrell is the father of Loras and Margaery Tyrell. After King Joffrey is murdered, he serves as one of the judges at the trial of Tyrion Lannister.
He was raised to Lord of Brightwater Keep after the Battle of the Blackwater. He usually trains against three or four swordsmen, practice for actual battle. Kevan, like his niece, is wary of the Tyrells' power greed; however, he acknowledges that alienating the Tyrells is a much worse option than complying with their demands. He chides Cersei for rejecting Mace's request to become the King's Hand, reasoning that although Mace is hardly suitable for that office - it is even more foolish to make him a foe.
Ser Garlan took part in the Battle of the Blackwater, playing the part of Renly Baratheon, dressing in his armor, to scare the ignorant men-at-arms among Stannis Baratheon's army. Ser Garlan said kind words to Tyrion Lannister during the wedding of Margaery Tyrell and King Joffrey I, attending the nuptials with his wife, Leonette Fossoway. While the Kingsguard met in the White Sword Tower, Garlan guarded Tommen I. Lord Garlan Tyrell, better known as Garlan the Gallant, is the second son of Lord Mace Tyrell and Lady Alerie Hightower. He was given the name the Gallant by his brother Willas, who did it to protect him when he was a fat child.
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